Progression Partners!
Progression Partners, Inc. is a minority-owned business that services school districts across the nation in bridging the cultural gap. Our team of independent consultants provides support to meet the equity and inclusion initiatives and expectations.
Progression Partners consultants are specialists with decades of experience as teachers, coaches, administrators, superintendents, curriculum specialists and professors. The depth and breadth of this experience allow Progression Partners to provide support to all members of the education system – from administrators to parents – by bringing the practical, hands-on experience to consultancy work.
Our initiatives help shape decisions for K-12 education programs to ensure all stakeholders are working to improve equity in a diverse environment. The Equity Initiative and Literacy Progression Initiative are both designed to provide ongoing professional development and job-embedded implementation support to achieve the excellence of equity.
Essential factors in improving equity within an organization are to ensure diversity and inclusion are fostered through policies and practices, provide data-driven professional development, and align resources reflective of the school community.

Our Team

Natalie McGee
Natalie McGee serves as the lead cultural proficiency consultant helping school districts and organizations respond in healthy ways to diversity by developing inclusive policies and practices. She specializes in facilitating professional learning and organizational development focused on equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. As a consultant, she has designed, planned, and facilitated hundreds of learning experiences for administrators, teachers, parent groups, support and classified staff, students, and community members. She prides herself in combining research-based strategies and practical applications, working with school districts to customize professional learning based on the unique needs of the organization. Her dedication and determination are evident as she endeavours to inspire others to make a positive difference in the lives of all students.

Candace Pinn
Candace Pinn is a consultant with Progression Partners and joined the team in 2021. She facilitates professional learning about Diversity,...

Dr. Sumara Case
Dr. Sumara Case joined Progression Partners in 2021. She comes with a plethora of experiences in the realm of equity and culturally responsive...

Pamela Wilson
Pamela Wilson a retired public-school Assistant Superintendent who served thirty-six wonderful years as an educator. Within her career....

Elizabeth (Betsy) Campisi
Elizabeth (Betsy) Campisi is a cultural anthropologist who does applied work, which means using her anthropological...

Harriette R.E. Grosvenor
Harriette R.E. Grosvenor is a Caribbean-American educator born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. A graduate of Vassar College...

Clyde Cole
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Robin Glassberg
Robin Glassberg has been in education for over a decade. She has worked throughout the United States and Internationally as a Teacher and Leader...

Phyllis Cottner
Phyllis Cottner is an educator with over 23 years of experience. Her educational experience includes: Special Education Teacher, Instructional Coach...